Monday, July 28, 2008

The Most Important Decision of My Life

People make decisions everyday. Although some of them are not so important decisions such as what kind of coffee they should get, what to eat for lunch, and what movie they should watch for dinner; some are life changing decisions. My most important decision that changed my life was enrolling in a Ultrasound Technician major.

After I graduated from high school, I went to San Francisco State University. With so many majors to choose from, I had no idea what I wanted to do and what kind of career would fit my personality best. I went to San Francisco State University for a year with an undeclared major. Struggling to choose my major, I visited the website of U.S. Department of Labor and started reviewing hundreds of different careers. There I found information about an ultrasound technician. Finally, I found what I wanted to do.

Unfortunately, San Francisco State University did not offer the Ultrasound Technician major so I had to transfer to Lincoln University. I have been attending Lincoln University for one year and eight months and I will start my internship next month. I did have some doubts about going into the field but now that I have more experience in it, I am confident of what I want to achieve and persue in the field.

The decision of enrolling in Ultrasound Technician major was very significant decision of life because it was deciding what I would do for a living.

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